Category: mind.

How a Visualization of What You Want Actually Helps You Get it
Does everything you try lately end up in disaster or fail miserably? Is the way your life is going right now just not working out for ya? It might seem like a helpless situation now, but there are solutions, girlfriend. Did you know that by visualizing future events in a certain way you could actually […]
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Tools to Be an Introvert and Stand out from the Crowd at the Same Time
As an introvert, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd, because why the hell would you? Isn’t it way more soothing to just keep up the wallflower game? Yes, it is. However, sometimes it comes in bloody handy to stand out a little. For example, when you’re planning on going after your […]
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Practical Tips on How to Get out of Your Head and into Your Life.
You know that feeling, huh? When you’re trapped inside your own mind like a fat cat in a cat flap? Your thoughts just keep on spinning and they seem to get you exactly nowhere. Usually, this happens when you couldn’t call more for a clear mind and you’re desperately asking yourself if there is any […]
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